A 5kw solar inverter is widely used for 5kW solar power system, it should easily offset a typical home’s electricity usage.
However, most users installing solar these days tend to install systems larger than 5kW as this provides better bang for buck – 6KW & 6.6kW systems are now considered entry level.
5kW solar systems are also the minimum system size you should be considering if you’re looking to add batteries to your system in the future – again, most who intend installing batteries option for larger systems.
How many solar panels for 5KW solar power system?
To make up a 5kW solar system, you need 12 units half cell solar panels, assuming you use 450 watt solar panels – that will actually give you 5.4kW.
Each solar panel will be about 1.91 metres x 1.13 metre, so you’ll need at least 26m² of roof space.
To give you a feel for how big 26m² is, this picture may help:

Choose a 5kw solar inverter
You can choose high PV input voltage range(120Vdc-450Vdc) 5kw solar inverter, transformerless design provides reliable power conversion in compact size. Besides, it’s worry-free to start up motor-type loads such as refrigerators, motors, pumps, compressors and laser printers as well as electronic loads like TV’s, Computers, power tool and battery chargers.

How much electricity will generate?
First we should look at what the available “average sunlight” should do for a solar system. This graph shows the expected output on an average day for a north facing, unshaded solar panel system.

While this is a fairly broad generalisation, it is fairly typical of what you could expect to see at an initial glance what a solar system might produce. For instance, on an average sunny day at 10am in summer an average 5kW solar system would likely be producing up towards 3.5kW to 4kW but in winter you might only expect between 2kW and 3kW.
There are again many factors to take into account to accurately predict how much power your solar system should make each day. But there is also a VERY simple formula to give you a rough idea.
Daily Average Production = Solar Array Size x 4
So a 5kW solar system should on average produce around 20kWh per day. You will likely see much more power produced during great solar days in summer, probably up to 30kWh and much less power produced during a cloudy winter day maybe lower than 10kWh. But over the year it should average out to around 20kWh. You don’t need to be out there with a pen writing all this down, but if you would like to do an occasional check just before dark, check the daily total. Divide by 4 and you should have a number pretty close to the size of your solar array.
How many AC can 5kW solar inverter run?
The 5kW solar system is for big houses, offices and commercial shops. 5kW solar power system is the preferred choice for customers having frequent power cuts in home, commercial shops etc. It comes with 5kw solar inverter off grid. It can run 2ton AC with 2 Fan, 8 LED lights and 1 Fridge easily.
If you are not exporting all of the energy and assuming you’ve paid a reasonable price for a 5kW solar system, then you should see a payback period of less than 5 years – so a fairly rapid payback timeframe.
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