Prostar hybrid solar inverter 48v combines two separate components–a solar inverter and a battery inverter–into a single piece of equipment. A hybrid solar inverter is an up-and-coming solution for homeowners. They want to install a solar power system that has room for future upgrades, including a battery storage system.
Prostar all-in-one hybrid solar inverter 48v utilizes solar power, AC utility, and battery power source to supply continuous power. It’s a simple and smart solar power storage system for home users. They can store energy into battery and wait for night time usage or use for self-consumption first depending on demands. Priority for power source, you can programme and set up through smart software. During night time or power failure, it will automatically extract power from battery. In this way, it will reduce the dependence on the utility.

Functions of hybrid solar inverter 48V
Feed-in grid is not only choice
In comparison with conventional grid-tie inverter, is able to not only feed-in power to grid but also store solar power to battery for future usage and directly power to the loads.
Save money by discharging battery for self-consumption first
Prostar hybrid solar inverter can save money by using battery energy frst when PV energy is low. Until battery energy is low, will extract AC power from the grid.
Power backup when AC failed
The hybrid solar inverter can operate as an of-grid inverter to provide continuous power even without the grid. It’s perfect power solution for remote regions or temporary AC power source such as camping or flea market.
Power Regulation
Solar power can fluctuate as sunshine levels increase and decrease, based upon the time of day and weather patterns. A hybrid inverter regulates this power to ensure the whole system operates within the required parameters.
Monitoring Power
Solar hybrid grid-tied inverters can be fitted with solar power monitoring software to measure and monitor your photovoltaics system via the display screen or a connected smartphone app to help identify any faults.
Power Maximization
Hybrid inverters with Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPT) check your solar power output and correlate it to the battery’s voltage. This enables optimum power output and conversion of DC electricity to the best voltage for the battery’s maximum charge. MPPT guarantees your solar power system works efficiently under every condition, such as varying amounts of solar light, solar panel temperature, and electrical loads.
Benefits of hybrid inverters
Power Resiliency
Having a solar power system does not always guarantee you will have power during a power outage. If your system uses a traditional solar grid-tie inverter, it will still automatically shut off power from your solar panel system during a blackout for safety purposes.
A hybrid solar inverter paired with a solar battery storage system is a great solution for such a scenario. It ensures you have both off-grid and on-grid capabilities, so you always have access to power, even during a blackout.
Energy monitoring
With a hybrid inverter, all of your solar electricity–whether being sent to the grid, self-consumed on your property, or being stored in your battery–is converted through one component. This allows for “centralized monitoring,” which means you can monitor both your solar panel system and battery performance through one platform.
Retrofit battery storage installations
A full solar power installation can be a significant investment, especially if you add an energy storage system to the other individual components. A hybrid inverter is integrating storage at any time, allowing you to forgo the costs of installing battery storage from the get-go. You can then more easily add the battery bank later while still enjoying the full benefits of your solar energy now.
Can Prostar hybrid solar inverter help me go Off-grid?
Most home solar panel systems remain tied to the greater electricity grid, meaning they’re not truly off-the-grid. If you want to fully disconnect your home from the power grid, you must install enough battery capacity to power your home for days at a time, when your panels don’t generate enough electricity or there’s a grid outage.
If you do want to go completely off the grid, Prostar hybrid solar inverter 48v can help, because it is designed to complete multiple tasks as a single device, including solar panel operation, battery storage, and drawing electricity from generators and other sources of power. You only simple set the working mode on hybrid solar inverter.

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